Christchurch is counting down to the best New Year's Eve ever

Christchurch City Council

Wednesday 14 December 2011, 2:19PM

By Christchurch City Council



Cantabrians can look forward to one of the best Garden City SummerTimes New Year’s Eve parties at the Event Triangle area in North Hagley Park on 31 December.

Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker says it will be a time to remember as people gather in the Park and say good riddance to 2011.

“This year has been simply awful for a lot of Cantabrians. While it’s true we’ve had some amazing opportunities to come together as a community – I would never wish the kind of hardships many of our residents have faced this year on anyone.

“This New Year’s Eve will be a special time for the people of Christchurch. Perhaps a time of reflection, but certainly a time to celebrate new beginnings and of looking forward to a fresh start for our city in 2012.”

The alcohol free celebration kicks off from 5pm with entertainment catering to young families and the second half, from 9pm to 12.30am, will include entertainment for all ages.
Entertainment on the night includes the Singapore Airlines StarFest finalists, followed by the family film Came a Hot Friday on the big screen thanks to the Film Commission and Screenline.

More children’s acts lead into the kids early midnight countdown at 8pm, with confetti, streamers and bubbles so the youngsters get to experience the New Year’s Eve fun.

Performances from 9pm include Beatles covers band Flab Four, reggae roots band D’sendantz and rock covers band New Entrants who will take the stage at 11pm, providing a high energy, rock-fuelled end to 2011. Playing the latest hits as well as some Elvis, Blues Brothers, Bon Jovi and Van Halen, New Entrants are sure to hype the crowd for the New Year’s Eve countdown.

At midnight, fireworks off Lake Victoria will blast party goers into 2012, before friends and family join hands and sing Auld Lang Syne backed by the bagpipes.

A 24/7 alcohol ban will be in place during the event with police monitoring behaviour on the night.

The Fresh Up New Year’s Eve event is part of the annual Garden City SummerTimes festival. All the main events are back to ease people into the New Year with details at and in the official programme available from Council service centres and libraries.