Kaipara District Council's New Look Website

Thursday 15 December 2011, 9:05AM

By Kaipara District Council



Kaipara District Council went live today with its new look website. The Council and website design
company Zeald have been working together over the last few weeks to create this new look website.
Councillors and staff have enjoyed a sneak preview and the general consensus has been “it looks

Corporate Services Manager, Barbara Ware said ‘It’s bright and fresh, has a Kaipara look and feel and
is easy to navigate. There is a lot of new information available with more to come. A website is a
living thing that should constantly evolve. We will continue to work behind the scenes to bring new
things to the site.”

Ms Ware went on to say “Thanks to the people at Zeald we have the ability to update Council’s
website almost immediately. This was not the case with the old site and it was frustrating for

Council is working through last minute details with the Bank of New Zealand and hopes to have its
Pay Online page up and running prior to Christmas.