Avoid Death

Thursday 15 December 2011, 10:04AM

By GoKids Kayaks


Avoiding death is a great concept – but this idea seems to lack a touch of realism. Our lives are made up of every action we take and every decision we make. Sometimes our choices lead us to follow our dreams and sometimes they lead us towards unfortunate events.

Alastair Senior died following his dreams. He died while taking his homemade hovercraft on a test-drive on Muriwai Beach on 31st July 2011.

The coroners report states:
"there is no evidence that Mr. Senior was simply careless or reckless in the design or construction of the craft"

….but in conclusion it was found that his death was avoidable.

Well it may of been avoidable – he could have decided not to build a hovercraft, he could have chosen not to follow his dreams, he could of gained differing advice on construction..... he could of done any number of things, but in reality he died following his dreams.

Dr. Alastair Senior was a remarkable man who lived life to the full. He travelled extensively, including an expedition to Antractica with the Chilean Navy. He was an expert kayaker – navigating grade 5 rapids around the world. He was a keen micro-light pilot and an advanced scuba-diver.

So maybe, in hindsight, his death was avoidable. But in the eyes of his children and all that knew him, he was a man who followed his dreams and lived his life to the full.

RIP Alastair Kenneth Senior – an amazing man.