Review to examine kiwifruit pollen imports
Primary Industries Minister David Carter has asked for an independent review of the rules and processes controlling the importation of kiwifruit pollen following new information on how the vine disease Psa may have entered the country.
“I have asked the Director-General of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to commission a review of current pollen importing permits, how they were developed, the decision-making around them and whether any changes are needed in future,” says Mr Carter.
MAF is today publishing the findings of work it has conducted tracing the potential entry points for Psa into New Zealand, and other research. While a definite means of introduction has not been identified, pollen has emerged as one of several possible pathways.
“I believe a review of the importing rules around pollen is an appropriate next step following this work,” Mr Carter says.
“If there are improvements that can be made to the way import standards are set and administered, then I want to be confident that they are identified and put in place.”