Selwyn Street Shops and Linwood Village draft Master Plans released for public comment

Christchurch City Council

Monday 19 December 2011, 4:55PM

By Christchurch City Council



Residents and business people are encouraged to tell the Christchurch City Council what they think about the vision, goals and actions proposed in the draft Master Plan for Selwyn Street Shops and Linwood Village (Stanmore Road /Worchester Street shops). These draft Master Plans have been prepared to support the rebuild and recovery of the suburban commercial centres.

The Draft Master Plans will be available from Monday, 19 December for written comment. They will be online at and in all the Council’s open services centres and libraries. The final date for written comments is 5pm on Friday, 17 February 2012.

Programme Manager, Healthy Environment Jenny Ridgen says information and local knowledge from community leaders, land and business owners and local residents have been the building blocks for the draft Master Plans.

“We now need to hear back from the community, we want to know if the draft Master Plans deliver the things people want for their centre,” she says.

Mayor Bob Parker says the launch of the two draft Master Plans for the recovery and rebuild of the city’s suburban centres is outstanding, and the communities and people involved can be proud of the work they have done in getting drafts of these Master Plans out for public comment.

“The draft Master Plans are about creating liveable, prosperous and vibrant futures for these areas and I urge people to get involved and be a part of shaping your community,” he says.

Comments can be made online at ; emailed to for Selwyn Street shopping area or for Linwood Village; posted to Draft Selwyn Street Shops Master Plan or Draft Linwood Village Master Plan, Freepost 178, Strategy and Planning Group, Christchurch City Council, PO Box 73012, Christchurch 8154; or delivered to the any open Council Library or service centre.

The Council is holding drop-in sessions where people can view the draft Master Plans, discuss their contents with Council staff and make submissions.

Draft Selwyn Street Shops Master Plan drop-in sessions:

  • Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 2pm to 6pm
  • Saturday, 11 February 2012, 10am to 4pm

Church Hall, 42 Somerset Crescent (corner of Selwyn Street and Somerset Crescent).

Draft Linwood Village Master Plan drop-in sessions:

  • Saturday, 28 January 2012, 12.30am to 4.30pm
  • Thursday, 9 February 2012, 2pm to 6pm

Aspire Canterbury Centre, 314 Worcester Street.

Draft Selwyn Street Master Plan
Summary draft Selwyn Street Master Plan
Draft Linwood Master Plan
Summary draft Linwood Master Plan

Further information on Suburban Centres Programme