High Hazards Unit Recruitment Completed
The Department of Labour’s High Hazards Unit mining team has been appointed and the Chief Mines Inspector from Queensland has been seconded to head the group while recruitment for a suitable permanent candidate proceeds.
The unit’s General Manager Brett Murray says the three inspector roles have been filled by the Department’s current mining inspector; a highly experienced mining specialist who holds a first class mine manager’s certificate; and one of the Department’s most experienced health and safety inspectors who was also the Department’s lead investigator into the Pike River disaster.
“The Queensland Government has agreed to second their Chief Mines Inspector, Gavin Taylor to the unit from 16 January,” Mr Murray says.
“Mr Taylor’s wealth of experience will assist us develop the strategies and operational plans for the mining team and he will also contribute to the development of the over-arching national management strategy for mining management.
“We are actively recruiting for a permanent appointee to this role and we will only appoint when we believe we have the right candidate with the right mix of skills. This appointment comes with an internationally competitive salary well in excess of government pay scales.
“We have taken a very broad approach to this role. We are open to considering applicants with high-level regulatory skills or experience in other mining environments as well as those with underground coal experience as the role is responsible for all forms of mining in New Zealand,” he says
“The technical skills of the team already appointed are very high and will allow the Department to operate effectively in the high hazards sector,” says Mr Murray.
The establishment of the High Hazards Unit is an initial step in the Department’s response to strengthening its capacity and expertise to inspect coal mines. The Government provided funding earlier this year for the establishment of the unit.