Report Highlights Expanding Job Market In Canterbury

Department of Labour

Thursday 22 December 2011, 1:25PM

By Department of Labour


New research out today highlights the expanding job and training opportunities in Canterbury and some challenges as the rebuild gets underway in 2012.

The Employment Opportunities in Canterbury report is a joint project by the Department of Labour and Canterbury Development Corporation for the Canterbury Employment and Skills Board. It brings together a wide range of economic indicators, latest modelling and qualitative information.

The department’s Labour and Immigration Research Centre General Manager Vasantha Krishnan says the report gives important insights for Canterbury’s labour market planning for the rebuild.

“Sectors such manufacturing have proved resilient while others such as hospitality and tourism have been badly affected. Overall there are fewer people working and increased unemployment. Young people and women are particularly affected, due to the industries they traditionally work in,” says Ms Krishnan.

“On a positive note, the outlook is promising. Fewer people have moved on to unemployment benefits than expected and there is strong and growing demand for workers in some industries. The report findings also support recent moves by tertiary and training institutions to respond to training needs for the workforce that will be needed for the rebuild.”

Demand for construction-related workers – especially carpenters, joiners and plasterers - will be particularly strong, according to the latest labour demand modelling developed by the Canterbury Development Corporation and Market Economics, in conjunction with the Department.

General labourers will be in demand, and this may provide opportunities, after training, for some beneficiaries or those who have not previously worked in the construction industry.

Business professionals, including law and accountancy firms, are also now seeing increased demand. Job opportunities exist throughout the region, not just in Christchurch, thanks to strongly performing regional economies.

Ms Krishnan also noted the Canterbury Employers Survey released by the Department last week showed most employers expect the outlook will improve over the next year; and they will either maintain or increase staff.

The Employment Opportunities in Canterbury report, including an executive summary, is available at this link.