Influential youth market captured by campaign

Tourism New Zealand

Thursday 22 December 2011, 1:46PM

By Tourism New Zealand


Stories Beat Stuff campaign page
Stories Beat Stuff campaign page Credit: Tourism New Zealand

Tourism New Zealand has captured the attention of the influential youth market with its latest Stories Beat Stuff campaign, receiving over 400 video entries and a further 6,500 registrations to the campaign site to win a New Zealand experience of a lifetime.

Two lucky guys have successfully traded their stuff for a story of a lifetime with Tourism New Zealand selecting the first two Stories Beat Stuff winners last week.

Donat Ertsey of Budapest traded a week in his European homestead with him as a private tour guide, while Christian Murphy from the United Kingdom traded all his musical instruments and equipment to get here.

Tourism New Zealand's General Manager of Marketing Communications, Justin Watson, says the campaign is successfully reaching the influential youth audience which accounts for almost 25 per cent of annual arrivals to New Zealand.

"A strategic focus of all our marketing activity is the prioritisation of key markets and sectors for growth.

"We are targeting the youth market because of the substantial growth opportunities they present. They have the potential to stay longer, spend more and are more likely to return to New Zealand later in life."

The interactive nature of the campaign and the ongoing focus on the sector for the past 12 months is starting to show results.

Justin says, "Youth arrivals are up 2 per cent year-end October, and key operators in the youth space are reporting good sales over recent months.

"Generating over 122,000 unique visits to the Stories Beat Stuff campaign page on, and a further 250,000 views on YouTube, the campaign is proving to resonate with the sector and we will keep monitoring success rates as the campaign continues into 2012."

To provide the experiences, Tourism New Zealand partnered with a number of New Zealand operators and both winners will fly to New Zealand with Air New Zealand.

To view the reactions of the winners and to follow them during their time in New Zealand visit the Stories Beat Stuff campaign page.

So, what did they win:

Summer Rhythm

Arriving on 22 December, Donat Ertsey of Budapest, studying in Rotterdam, will enjoy the 'Summer Rhythm' experience with his brother. The experience consists of a week-long road-trip along the east-coast of New Zealand, two VIP passes to the 3 day music festival, Rhythm and Vines, in Gisborne and will watch the sun set on 2011 in a helicopter ride on 31 December to welcome in the New Year in the city that is the first in the world to see the sun rise.

To win the 'Summer Rhythm' experience Donat Ertsey will auction a week at his farm house, eating and drinking and checking out the surrounding attractions near with him as their private tour guide. The money from the auction will be donated to charity.

Beaches and Boats

The 'Beaches and Boats' winner, Christian Murphy from the United Kingdom, will travel to New Zealand for the period 1-16 February 2012 with his friend. The experience consists of a two week road-trip starting at the top of the North Island and traveling through Northland to experience all of the beach and boat experiences the region has to offer.

A full time university student, and part time supermarket worker, Christian donated all of his musical instruments to a local school music department to win the 'Beaches and Boats' experience.