250 Organisations Pledge To Improve Health And Safety In 2011

Department of Labour

Saturday 24 December 2011, 1:09PM

By Department of Labour


This year close to 250 businesses and organisations have made a strong commitment to improve health and safety in their area of work – with more expected next year.

The Department of Labour’s Partners in Action pledge was launched in May 2011 as part of the Government’s National Action Agenda to reduce harm at work. It asks signatories to work towards achieving zero harm in New Zealand workplaces.

Since its launch, 237 New Zealand employers, employees, industry groups and government organisations have signed the pledge.

“In New Zealand too many people die or suffer serious harm at work – through accidents or through occupational diseases. We’re pleased to see so many companies committed to making workplaces safer and healthier for all who work in them,” says the Department’s Deputy Chief Executive Health and Safety, Lesley Haines.

“There are some excellent examples of businesses leading the way in keeping their people safe and healthy,” Ms Haines says.

Signatories include Higgins Construction Limited, which has implemented its ‘Our Way’ programme to build safety into every task it completes, and Mainzeal Property and Construction which has an impressive plan to deal with the hazards its workers face at the Benmore Dam.

“These are great examples of how businesses can put health and safety at the forefront of their business planning – we want to see more of this.

“Reducing the work toll makes good business sense and is in everyone’s interest and it’s something we all must be responsible for – government, employees, employers and industry organisations.

“I encourage all organisations looking ahead into 2012 to consider signing up to the Pledge and to make health and safety a priority – good health and safety is good business,” Ms Haines says.