Rena update (update 140)

Maritime New Zealand

Monday 26 December 2011, 11:15PM

By Maritime New Zealand



26 December 2011 - 10.30AM

A total of 341 containers have now been removed from Rena. Container removal operations have been suspended for the past couple of days due to 1.5m swells.

Smit Borneo is in the process of repositioning to place the bow of the barge into the swell. Svitzer is anticipating this will allow the salvage team to resume removing containers from Rena later today. Container removal operations will continue as long as weather conditions allow.

The weather forecast is for settled weather until 29 December when the wind is expected to increase to around 25 knots. The winds are forecast to ease around 31 December.
Braemar Howells teams are continuing to process containers landed ashore at a good rate, and follow up reports of debris washing ashore.

The oil spill response team has been undertaking daily patrols of oiled areas around Mount Maunganui and other priority areas. Two areas on the eastern side of the Mount remain closed off to the public as they are natural collection points for residual oil washing ashore. Teams are monitoring these sites and are on standby to respond to reports from the public of oil sightings.

The last clean-up operation was held on Christmas Eve – clean-up operations are scheduled to resume on 28 December, unless any significant reports of oil come through in the interim. All reports from the public of oil sightings are being followed up and factored into the planning process. Members of the public are encouraged to call 0800 OIL SPILL if they see oil on the beaches or in the water.

Wildlife teams are on standby to respond to reports of oiled wildlife – members of the public are encouraged to call 0800 333 771 if they see any animals affected by oil, whether alive or dead.