Let's Keep The Town Clean Over Summer

Thursday 5 January 2012, 3:23PM

By Marlborough District Council



The Council’s contractors do the rounds of the central business area streets every day between 4.00 am and 8.00 am, emptying bins and sweeping the streets and footpaths.

Once a week they wash down the footpaths – with extra early morning rounds after big events like the New Year’s Eve party. In the holiday spots, like Picton and Havelock, the contractors make two rounds, morning and afternoon, to keep the bins emptied and the streets tidy.

There’s always a bit of rubbish and, in past summers, broken glass has been a particular problem downtown.

“Parents can help by reminding their kids, particularly those out partying, of the consequences of smashing glass in public. This is an offence which the Police have powers to deal with and I don’t think we resolve things simply by having the street cleaners tidy up after drunk party-goers,” said Marlborough Mayor Alistair Sowman.

In the meantime, the Mayor says everyone can help by keeping the patch outside their own front gate clear of debris.

“I know it’s frustrating when it is someone else’s litter but if we all work together as a community we can keep the town clean. I always get so many positive comments from visitors to Blenheim over the summer holidays. They love it here. Let’s not let that image deteriorate.”