Privacy impact assessment for the feasibility study for linking HLFS data with LEED data

Statistics New Zealand

Thursday 5 January 2012, 3:45PM

By Statistics New Zealand


Available files

Privacy impact assessment for the feasibility study for linking Household Labour Force Survey data with Linked Employer-Employee Data (PDF, 19 pages, 439kb)

This privacy impact assessment (PIA) identifies privacy risks associated with linking data from the Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) data with data from Linked Employer-Employee Data (LEED) and outlines the processes for managing these risks.

The PIA has been prepared for the feasibility study for linking the HLFS (and associated supplements) with LEED (referred to here HLFS–LEED). It has been prepared in accordance with Statistics NZ’s Data integration policy and the Linked Employer-Employee Data (LEED) project requirements.
This report begins with a description of the legal context around the feasibility study for the linking HLFS with LEED, then describes the major elements of the feasibility study and the flow of information through it.

Privacy issues associated with the integration, storage, and use of the source data are discussed, along with a description of the release and access practices that will be used. This discussion includes an assessment of the risks inherent in these processes and the privacy enhancement and risk management procedures that will mitigate them. The report concludes with a brief discussion of the compliance mechanisms that will be used to manage any HLFS–LEED integrated dataset in the future.


Statistics New Zealand (2011). Privacy impact assessment for the feasibility study for linking Household Labour Force Survey data with Linked Employer-Employee Data. Available from

ISBN 978-0-478-37746-0 (online)