Further capability added to AQA

Monday 9 January 2012, 1:06PM

By Aggregate & Quarry Association of NZ


Aggregate & Quarry Association of NZ logo
Aggregate & Quarry Association of NZ logo Credit: Aggregate & Quarry Association of NZ
Bill Bourke
Bill Bourke Credit: Aggregate & Quarry Association of NZ

The Aggregate and Quarry Association of New Zealand is pleased to add a bright new name to its ranks. Bill Bourke is now the Association’s Planning and Technical Adviser.

Bill has spent most of his working life in the steel industry with the last 10 years concentrating on market development for the two main slag aggregates produced at New Zealand Steel. During that time he has been a Director of the Australasian (Iron and Steel) Association (ASA), holding the position of Vice Chairman International.

His work has had a strong technical focus, and has included research on international testing requirements, the study and testing of local aggregates and comparing these to the properties of slag aggregates; health and safety; select committee submissions and customer relationship building.

In welcoming Bill to the ranks, AQA Chairman, Mike Lord said “Until now AQA Board members have taken on responsibility for technical and planning work, including administration and reports. This has been a big ask for people who have senior day jobs. Having a dedicated staff member will free up those members to concentrate more on AQA’s high level strategic focus”.

Bill, who took up his role this month, said “I believe I can make a significant contribution to the Association on behalf of its wider membership. I am well versed in the workings of an industry association, including strategic planning, budgeting, setting directions for technical research and environmental compliance.”

Based in Auckland, where he lives with wife Suzanne, Bill has two adult children. He is keen on salt water sports fishing, New Zealand and modern history and growing roses.