Quad Bike Safety Reminder After High Summer Accident Rate

Department of Labour

Wednesday 18 January 2012, 4:46PM

By Department of Labour


With a high number of people being injured on quad bikes during the summer holiday period, ACC and the Department of Labour are reminding riders of the dangers of not adhering to safety rules.

850 people are injured on quad bikes on farms each year. Five die. The total cost to ACC for quad bike related claims in the 2010/2011 financial year, including ongoing claims lodged in previous years, was approximately $8.6 million.

Most recently Christmas was ruined for a number of families where people were injured in quad bike accidents on farms and beaches across the country, which included the death of a child.

The Department of Labour’s quad bike safety campaign aims to reduce the number of people being hurt and killed while riding quad bikes on farms.

“Everyone has a responsibility to improve safety on quad bikes – especially during the summer months when farmers tend to work longer hours,” says the Department’s General Manager Central region Ona de Rooy.

“Long hours can lead to fatigue and an increase in accidents,” Ms de Rooy says.

The Department’s campaign focuses on four key safety steps: always wear a helmet, riders must be trained or experienced enough to do the job, never let kids ride adult quad bikes and choose the right vehicle for the job.

These safety steps were the focus of the Department’s spring enforcement phase, where 518 farms were visited across New Zealand and 197 enforcement notices were issued where safety issues were identified with quad bikes.

“We will be continuing this campaign and the focus on the four safety steps in 2012 – with another round of farm visits in autumn. Where our inspectors find safety issues or where the four key safety steps are not being taken, they will take action,” Ms de Rooy says.