The real danger may be closer to home – within the Beehive

Green Party

Thursday 25 October 2007, 12:49PM

By Green Party



Green Party MP Keith Locke suggests that the authorities should be looking much closer to home for the real dangers from political violence.

"While I was quietly going about my business in the middle of a Parliamentary debate last night, Trevor Mallard resorted to violence against Tau Henare only a few metres away in the lobby,” Mr Locke says.

“There may be an argument for the detention of those involved until their potential for violence can be assessed – after all, strong evidence exists that Mr Mallard, while acting under a deep sense of historical and recent grievance, crossed the line from anger and resentment and put into effect a plan to do actual damage to Mr Henare.

“The evidence for this outrage may be stronger than that regarding some of those caught up in the recent anti-terrorism raids.

“The irony of a senior Minister getting involved in such an altercation on the same day that his Government had the second hearing debate on its draconian anti-terrorism legislation will not be lost on the public.

"Personally, I think I would be more in fear of violence from Mr Mallard than from Rongomai Bailey - one of the accused in the recent police swoops - who I know well, and visited in Mt Eden prison the day before his release on bail,” Mr Locke says.