Street Trees Provide Pleasure For Everyone

Thursday 19 January 2012, 4:27PM

By Marlborough District Council



The Marlborough District Council looks after just under six thousand street trees and a myriad of specimen trees in our parks and reserves and on other Council-administered land.

Trees contribute to the quality of our public landscape and provide ecological, aesthetic and recreational benefits to the community.

Council trees are maintained by our arboricultural professionals. These contractors have responsibility for all pruning of dead or diseased branches. Members of the public are not permitted to prune or remove street or reserve trees. Please contact the Council on 03 520 7400 if you have a problem with a tree on your street berm or in a reserve or park.

However, everyone can help care for our street trees:

  • Prevent lawn mower contact with the tree’s base to avoid bark damage
  • Don’t put lawn clippings around the base of the tree
  • Don’t park vehicles over the tree roots
  • Report any vandalism or storm damage.


Please report any damage to trees on Council land by using the Council’s Fix It form (find it under Forms or by phoning 03 520 7400.

The Council also has some responsibilities for recording and protecting notable trees on private property and encourages inclusion of additional trees that fit the criteria.

These trees are listed on the Heritage Register contained within Marlborough’s Resource Management Plans.

More information, including a heritage nomination form, is on the Council website under Our Community/Arts Culture and Heritage/Heritage Resources.