Temporary Road Closures - Art Deco

Napier City Council

Saturday 21 January 2012, 5:28PM

By Napier City Council




Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Local Government Act 1974, section 342, that the following roads will be closed on the dates as listed:

  • Friday 17th February 12 noon to 5.30pm Sunday 19th February

Emerson Street from Hastings Street to Herschell Street Herschell Street from Emerson Street to Tennyson Street 

(There will be no on street parking available within this area any unauthorised vehicles will be towed away at the owners risk and expense)


  • Friday 17th February 5.30pm through to 5.30pm Sunday 19th February

Marine Parade from Albion Lane to Browning Street Tennyson Street from Hastings Street to Marine Parade


  • Friday 17th February 5.30pm to midnight

Hastings Street from Tennyson Street to Dickens Street


  • Saturday 18th February 6.00am to 2.30pm – Vintage Car Parade

Emerson Street from Clive Square East to Clive Square West Clive Square East and Clive Square West full length Carlyle Street from Tennyson Street to Clive Square West.

(There will be no on street parking available within this area, any unauthorised vehicles will be towed away at the owners risk and expense)


  • Saturday 18th February 10.30am to midnight – Street Party/Twilight Tap

Emerson Street from Clive Square East to Hastings Street Dalton Street from Tennyson Street to Dickens Street Hastings Street from Dickens Street to Tennyson Street


  • Sunday 19th February Soap Box Derby 9.00am to 1.00pm

Tennyson Street from Herschell Street to Cathedral Lane Hastings Street from Emerson Street to Browning Street