Diversity key to Hastings International Cultures Day

Tuesday 24 January 2012, 2:17PM

By Hastings District Council


Part of the large crowd enjoying the entertainment at the 2011 International Cultures Day.
Part of the large crowd enjoying the entertainment at the 2011 International Cultures Day. Credit: Hastings District Council


Organisers are again seeking a diverse range of performers and stall holders to enhance International Cultures day.

The event was first launched in 1999 by then Hastings Mayor Jeremy Dwyer and the New Zealand China Friendship Society for the Asia 2000 celebrations. Since 2003 it has become an annual event and a fixture on the Hastings events calendar. Over 5000 people flock to Cornwall Park for the event each year.

Hawke’s Bay Branch of New Zealand China Friendship Society president Sally Russell says organisers are in the process of finalising the entertainers and stalls which will be at the park this year. “It is important that the amazing cultural diversity which abounds in Hawke’s Bay is represented at this event.”

“In recent years a wider range of ethnic communities have become involved and have added to the colour and vibrancy of the event. We are inviting all cultural and community organisations to be part of this amazing day, whether they are performers or would like to operate a food stall.”

The annual International Cultures Day is being held from 11am to 3.30pm Saturday March 3rd, in Cornwall Park.

For further information or to enquire about becoming involved in International Cultures Day contact Sally Russell on 8776027.