Police describe Hamilton cordons as precautionary

Thursday 26 January 2012, 2:03PM

By New Zealand Police



A precautionary measure is how Hamilton Police describe the cordoning off of part of a northern suburb this morning after a fleeing driver abandoned his car while reportedly armed with a firearm.

City Response Manager, Inspector Karen Henrikson, said the incident began when a routine Police patrol saw a vehicle speeding near Mahana Rd, Te Rapa, about 10.20am.

"Instead of stopping the driver fled off at speed, heading towards Te Rapa Rd and at one point went round the roundabout at the intersection with Bryant Rd the wrong way forcing other motorists to take evasive action.

"The car has carried on into Jamieson Cres where the driver has lost control and one of his car's tyres blew out as he mounted the kerb."

Ms Henrikson said the offender alighted from the car on foot, running into two nearby properties.

"A witness yelled out to pursuing staff to be careful because the man was armed with a firearm so as a precaution an area was cordoned off and the assistance of the Waikato Armed Offenders Squad was sought to clear the properties without placing our staff or the public at risk.

"The offender was not located at either address and as a result follow up inquiries are underway to try and locate him, meanwhile the car has been confiscated as we believe it was being driven by a man known to Police who is a forbidden driver."

Ms Henrikson said such situations are always disruptive to the public however when considering the potential risks it was better to err on the side of caution and Police thanked commuters, residents and business owners for their cooperation.