A port strategy must come first

Labour Party

Saturday 28 January 2012, 1:44PM

By Labour Party


Controversial plans to extend Auckland’s container port 250m into the Waitemata harbour should not proceed in the absence of a Government strategy on the future of the country’s ports, says Labour spokesperson for Transport and Auckland Issues, Phil Twyford.

“The expansion plans have rung alarm bells with boaties, urban design groups and Aucklanders concerned about the loss of sight lines, and possible effects on tidal flows.

“The Ports of Auckland says expansion is needed, but in the absence of a Government strategy that includes all the ports that handle our exports and imports, how are we to know whether the planned expansion makes sense for New Zealand?” Phil Twyford said.

“Currently the ports are all competing with each other, making big investment decisions in isolation. It is crazy. We need a rational port strategy that looks at the long term needs of NZ Inc, with a division of labour between key ports, and investment in infrastructure to match.

“Aucklanders are understandably concerned about the impact on the port’s plans on our harbour.

“The Waitemata is the jewel of the city. The Government needs to develop a proper plan for the future of our ports before Auckland embarks on big infrastructure investment that could have a permanent, and not necessarily positive, impact on the harbour,” Phil Twyford said.