Changes to City Intersections
Over the next two months, before the new give-way road rules come into force on Sunday 25 March, we will be making changes to a number of intersections around the city.
Drivers and pedestrians should look out for changes to the phasing of traffic lights at five major intersections:
- Johnsonville Road and Broderick Road
- Broderick Road and Moorefield Road
- Victoria Street and Ghuznee Street
- Ohiro Road, Todman Street and Cleveland Street
- The Terrace and Salamanca Road.
The new phasing at these lights will make right turning easier for motorists, but pedestrians should also take care if they use these crossings regularly.
We will also put in new 'Give Way' signs and road markings at 46 uncontrolled intersections in a number of suburbs to make it easier for drivers when the new rules take effect.
The Council's Infrastructure Director, Stavros Michael, says these intersection changes will make it easier for drivers to apply the new give-way rules but will not affect driving under the existing rules.
"All drivers and cyclists will need to be on the look out for new signs and signal changes at intersections over the next few months, particularly on routes they are familiar with. Pedestrians also need to take care when crossing the road.
"The give-way rule changes will affect all road users and we encourage everyone to make sure they know the new rules and what to do," says Mr Michael.
After the new give-way rules come into force, the Council will be monitoring intersections to see if there are any issues. Some other traffic lights may be altered in the following months.
After 25 March we will change up to 10 more traffic signals - this work will be done progressively in the following months if it's found changes are necessary.
For details on the intersections that will be changing, phone (04) 499 4444 or visit:
Roads and Traffic - Working on the Roads
For information on the give-way road rule changes, visit:
Two of the Give-way Rules are Changing - NZ Transport Agency website