Population Statistics Stocktake: 2011

Statistics New Zealand

Tuesday 31 January 2012, 1:37PM

By Statistics New Zealand


Available files

Population Statistics Stocktake: 2011 (Excel, 7 sheets, 649kb)
Population Statistics Stocktake: 2011 (PDF, 21 pages, 629kb)

The Population Statistics Stocktake: 2011 provides an overview of population statistics and data. It is intended to be a resource for those undertaking population analyses. The stocktake aims to include datasets and publications that are available electronically from the last 10 years. These datasets and publications inform enduring themes of population statistics:

  • population size and change
  • fertility
  • mortality
  • movement of people
  • location – geographic base
  • population types – beyond usual residence
  • composition – age and sex
  • composition – other.


The stocktake was undertaken as part of the population statistics domain planning. The domain plan will address gaps, overlaps, and deficiencies in population statistics, so that future work and research are informed.