Update on Zion Wildlife Gardens Limited (In Receivership & In Liquidation)

Tuesday 31 January 2012, 7:08PM

By PwC


PwC Partners Colin McCloy and David Bridgman, Receivers of Zion Wildlife Gardens Limited (In Receivership & In Liquidation) in Kamo, Northland, today have confirmed the sale of the business and assets of Zion.

Receiver Colin McCloy says “following due consideration of the expressions of interest in the assets and operations of the company, an offer has been accepted which the Receivers believe provides good value and is the best option to preserve the operation of the park and protect the welfare of the animals.”

The purchaser is Zion Wildlife Kingdom Ltd. The Receivers understand the purchaser has engaged Craig Busch to assist with the operation of the Park.

Receivers were on site this morning to advise those at the park of the sale. Staff have been given notice and stood down from work on full pay. The purchaser will staff the Park going forward.

Details of the sale are commercially sensitive and as a result, the Receivers are not in a position to comment further on the sale and purchase agreement or the new owners.

Zion Wildlife Kingdom Ltd is now in possession of the keys to the park and the Receivership process will be concluded in the near future.

Mr McCloy says “the welfare of the wildlife at Zion has always been a priority for the Receivers and we’re pleased to announce the completion of the sale and purchase agreement which enables the wildlife to remain at the park.”