Comments on Selwyn Street Shops and Linwood Village draft Master Plans close 17 February

Christchurch City Council

Thursday 2 February 2012, 2:04PM

By Christchurch City Council



Residents, property owners and business people have two weeks left to tell the Christchurch City Council what they think about the vision, goals and actions proposed in the draft Master Plans for Selwyn Street Shops and Linwood Village (Stanmore Road /Worchester Street shops).

The deadline for written comments is 5pm on Friday, 17 February 2012.

Mayor Bob Parker says it is vital that people make the time to have their say on these draft Master Plans, as their comments will help the Council to understand their views.

“We have received submissions on both draft Master Plans and expect this to build as the closing date for comments approaches. People are letting us know what they think and there is a definite sense of enthusiasm for the future of these areas,” he says.

Programme Manager, Healthy Environment Jenny Ridgen says drop-in sessions have been organised to give people a chance to talk over any issues or ideas face-to-face with Council staff who are working on the project.

“At the drop-in sessions people can view the draft Master Plans, discuss their contents with Council staff and make submissions either while they are there or send these in later,” she says.

Draft Selwyn Street Shops Master Plan drop-in sessions:

Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 2pm to 6pm
Saturday, 11 February 2012, 10am to 4pm

Church Hall, 42 Somerset Crescent (corner of Selwyn Street and Somerset Crescent).

Draft Linwood Village Master Plan drop-in sessions:

Thursday, 9 February 2012, 2pm to 6pm
Aspire Canterbury Centre, 314 Worcester Street.

Comments can be made:

Online at ;

Emailed to for Selwyn Street Shops or for Linwood Village;

Posted to

Draft Selwyn Street Shops Master Plan or Draft Linwood Village Master Plan,Freepost 178,Strategy and Planning Group, Christchurch City Council, PO Box 73012, Christchurch 8154; 


Delivered to any open Council library or service centre.