Adams' ICT intentions shrouded in secrecy

Labour Party

Friday 3 February 2012, 4:06PM

By Labour Party


Extraordinary secrecy surrounds decisions new Information Technology Minister Amy Adams faces in the next six months, calling into question her judgement and her Government’s arrogance and lack of transparency, says Labour’s ICT spokesperson Clare Curran.

“The briefing paper provided by the Ministry of Economic Development to Amy Adams has large tracts withheld on key issues in the portfolio, including all the pending decisions and action required in the next six months,” Clare Curran said.

“These issues have a bearing on New Zealand’s economic future, and on the extent to which New Zealand will be divided by those who have increased access to faster broadband and those who don’t. Decisions are also to be made on allocation of 4G wireless frequencies, or spectrum, which have the potential to transform New Zealand’s future.

“What is so sensitive about these issues that much of the advice and information from the Ministry has to be withheld,” Clare Curran said.

“How can the industry be informed about the direction and priority-setting of the new minister, and how can the public be reassured that vested interests with special access to the Government will not be favoured in its decision-making processes

“Amy Adams is treating her portfolio as if it contains state secrets,” Clare Curran said.

“Her predecessor Steven Joyce maintained an arrogant and unresponsive approach to the public, and now it appears to many industry stakeholders that Amy Adams may do the same.

“When you make something secret you should have a good reason. Taxpayer money funds this work. The public must be reassured that decisions being made by this Minister are not favouring commercial interests over the public good,” Clare Curran said.