Green Party misreads a Treasury briefing

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Monday 6 February 2012, 12:55PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers is concerned the Green Party has misinterpreted the Treasury’s Briefing to Incoming Minister (BIM) as applying to Biosecurity.

“Biosecurity is one of the key platforms in New Zealand’s competitiveness. Farmers would revolt if there was to be any dismantling of biosecurity but that’s not in the Treasury BIM,” says Dr William Rolleston, Federated Farmers spokesperson on Biosecurity.

“The Green Party has misinterpreted what “at-the-border” means. When you read beyond the summary to page 22 of the BIM, it clearly states, “New Zealand’s formal at-the-border restrictions are generally low. The exception is our investment screening regime”.

“As you can see, this has nothing to do with biosecurity but inwards investment.

“The Treasury does get it right in identifying need for regulatory reform.

“Any unnecessary regulatory burden achieves little aside from adding cost and ultimately time to what we are trying to produce.

“The Treasury’s BIM also rightly highlights the importance of firm led innovation and research.

“I can add that New Zealand’s primary and value added industries aren’t based on a slogan, but a deserved reputation for safe, reliable and high quality food and fibre. We know Biosecurity is fundamental to maintaining that reputation,” Dr Rolleston concluded.