Long Term Plan for Wellington
You have just weeks to go to give us your feedback on the next 10 years in Wellington - you can do this by participating in our online discussion forums.
We want you to share your priorities for the future to help us develop our Long Term Plan which will set out what we will spend money on over the next 10 years. In preparing the plan, we face a number of challenges - such as rising costs to maintain our existing services, the need to make our city more resilient and keep rates affordable. Because we can't fund everything we are asking for people to tell us which areas we could reduce expenditure in.
Some of the online comments we've had so far include those from Mark from Kelburn who says Wellington should focus on becoming an eco-city and earthquake-proofing older buildings.
"The community could help the eco-city with community plots and composting," he adds.
"The Council's priorities should be broadband, wires underground, parks, buildings, tidiness, roads," comments Wayne from Newtown.
To join the discussion, visit
We need all comments by Tuesday 28 February. Council staff will also be visiting a number of summer events to hear from the community.
Consultation on the draft Long Term Plan will take place during April and May.