Opportunities for young Aucklanders applauded

Friday 10 February 2012, 1:36PM

By Paula Bennett


Social Development Minister Paula Bennett welcomes a joint initiative to provide work experience opportunities for young people in Auckland.

The Auckland Council, the Auckland Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Social Development are working together on an initiative to provide around 230 places this year.

“Work experience is vitally important for young people looking for that first job,” says Ms Bennett.

“These placements will be an opportunity for young Aucklanders to get on-the-job experience while exploring a potential career,” she says.

The initiative will place Limited Service Volunteer graduates in positions within Auckland Council departments as well as other Council Controlled Organisations or local businesses.

Auckland Council already has plans for a dozen young people to start this month, with 50 placements over the first three months and up to 230 work experience places over the next 12 months.

LSV is part of the Governments investment in work and training opportunities for young people included in the $55.2 million youth employment package in Budget 2011 and the 7,500 places through the Youth Guarantee in 2012.

"This is a great extension of LSV which sees young people graduate with increased confidence and ambition and hungry for opportunities. This initiative will capitalise on that enthusiasm."

“The National-led Government is backing young people to gain skills and confidence but they also need work experience in real jobs,” says Ms Bennett.

“I applaud the Auckland Council and Chamber of Commerce for giving young Aucklanders this opportunity and I want to challenge other Councils and companies to follow their lead,” she said.