Perceptions of interference and cronyism abhorrent

Labour Party

Saturday 11 February 2012, 5:28PM

By Labour Party


Any perception of government interference in broadcasting is an abhorrence, says Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran.

“Broadcasting programming matters should be a responsibility of New Zealand on Air,” Clare Curran said.

“Any other country where the Prime Minister’s electorate chair is involved in programming, where the Government gives soft loans to broadcasters, and where the Prime Minister gets free air time would rightly be regarded as corrupt.

“Toss into the mix a growing reputation for cosy cronyism at the highest levels of this government, and you are entering dangerous territory,” Clare Curran said.

“New Broadcasting Minister Craig Foss now has the extremely difficult job of reassuring the public that the Government has credibility and integrity in terms of broadcasting.

“To say the jury is out is putting it mildly,” Clare Curran said.