Hot Product Predictions for 2012

Wednesday 15 February 2012, 3:05PM

By PriceMe Limited


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Consumer spending on household electronics and appliances in 2012 is a much-anticipated and competitive space. The rapid pace of product development and competition between rival manufacturers in most product categories, has almost created an alternative to spectator sports like rugby and cricket ! Take the meteoric rise of brands such as Samsung, who have gone head-to-head with market leaders Apple and Sony, and the game ain’t over yet !

Based on search results from comparison shopping site , the following products that have just launched or are about to be launched look set to become big hits in 2012.

1.  Smart TV’s

Smart TV’s are internet-connected TV’s capable of using apps and performing like a computer. There are currently 27 smart TV’s listed on PriceMe, with search activity for them increasing 24% in the last month. Related searches for Telecom Tivo and Apple TV also increased dramatically in the last quarter of 2011, however searches for Google TV remained low, as Kiwi consumers seem to be unconvinced of their merit yet.

2.  Nikon D800 and Canon EOS 5D

These two models from market leaders Nikon and Canon are due for release shortly. We feel safe to predict their popularity, as similar models from these manufacturers have performed well in PriceMe searches over the last few years.

3.  Dyson AMO4 Hot Fan Heater

A home or office appliance for all-year use. This new product from innovative designers Dyson, heats as well as cools a room evenly, with no fan blades or visible elements. It has futuristic chic and is safe for children etc. Searches on PriceMe for this product increased 67% last month !

4.  Updated Tablets and eBook Readers

In 2011, tablets and eBook readers were two of the hottest product categories on PriceMe (ranked 4th and 7th overall). With the anticipated launch this year of iPad 3, it will no doubt be on many Kiwis wish-lists (iPad was PriceMe’s fastest-growing product in 2011). Amazon are tipped to launch a successor to their Kindle Fire this year, which was a huge seller worldwide. There is much speculation as to whether Amazon will launch a tablet to compete with titans Apple and Samsung.

5.  Android 4.0

The recently-launched version of the Android operating system called Ice Cream Sandwich is likely to appear on a myriad of devices this year, from smartphones and tablets to less-traditional appliances such as fridges and TV’s (Lenovo K91 for example is an Android-powered TV expected to be available in NZ later this year). Search activity on PriceMe for the Android 4.0 Nexus smartphone increased by almost 100% in December last year and remained a popular product throughout January.

Google is keen to promote their new integration concept Android at Home, which can connect all devices in your home, enabling the owner to control these from their smartphone. We anticipate this suite of products will become very popular as the year progresses. 

6.  Gaming Consoles from Nintendo and Sony

Nintendo Wii U and Playstation Vita are poised to become very popular products in NZ this year. Gaming consoles are one of PriceMe’s most popular product categories with searches for PSP games increasing 92% last year.

7.  Ultrabooks

Ultrabooks are very thin laptops such as Apple’s Macbook Air. In 2011, we measured a significant up-take in the popularity of ultrabooks, and in January this year, there were 150% more ultrabook-related searches compared to December, indicating an emerging product trend.

8.  iPhone 5

Based on the success of iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, it’s safe to predict that the iPhone 5 will have Kiwis opening up their wallets again when it becomes available in NZ later this year. The iPhone family has been a consistent most-searched product on PriceMe for some years, so the iPhone 5’s release will be much-anticipated by the latest-product hungry hordes of Apple devotees here !


Search activity was compared on PriceMe for the period December 2011 to January 2012, using Google Analytics as a measuring tool.

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PriceMe is New Zealand’s leading comparison shopping site, with around half a million visits per month. Users carry out their pre-purchase research on prices, product reviews and retailer ratings. With around 275 NZ retailers featured, shoppers can arm themselves with all the info they need to purchase products with a high degree of confidence that they are getting the best product at the best price from the best retailer.