Green Party comment on High Hazard Unit staffing

Green Party

Thursday 16 February 2012, 1:15PM

By Green Party


The Green Party today welcomed news of a fully staffed High Hazards Unit but questioned whether appropriately qualified staff have been secured, given the Government’s history of underfunding mine safety.

“I’d like the Minister of Labour to advise the public of the qualifications and experience of all the High Hazard Unit staff to restore public confidence in the ability of the Department to ensure safety,” said West Coast-based Green MP, Kevin Hague.

“Those working to make High Hazard industries safe need to be highly qualified professionals.

“There are concerning rumours that the salaries offered to staff in the High Hazards Unit were below industry averages, and certainly this was the case for previous Mines Inspectors.

“The acting chief inspector of mines, Gavin Taylor, has done a great job of revealing serious shortcomings in mine safety and it is important that this momentum is maintained.”
Mr Hague added that staffing the High Hazards Unit is only half the picture. The law and regulations that they enforce have been shown to be seriously deficient, and the Government now needs to move with urgency to remedy this.

“As the Royal Commission will not now report until near the end of this year, it is not acceptable for the Government to sit on their hands and wait to improve mine safety,” Mr Hague said.