Chief Inspector Petroleum And Geothermal Appointed

Department of Labour

Monday 20 February 2012, 2:15PM

By Department of Labour


The Department of Labour has appointed a Chief inspector Petroleum and Geothermal to its High Hazards Unit.

Wayne Vernon, who takes up his role early in March, is currently Manager of Assessment and Inspection for the Australian offshore petroleum regulator NOPSEMA and has an extensive history with the UK’s Health and Safety Executive regulatory team.

“We are fortunate to be able to appoint a Chief Inspector of Mr Vernon’s calibre and he will lead a team of three specialist inspectors who have been appointed in recent weeks,” says Brett Murray, General Manager of the High Hazards Unit.

“The Government has signalled through its energy strategy that the sector Mr Vernon and his team will be focusing on will have increasing importance to New Zealand’s energy stability and economic future. We have a team in place to ensure those objectives are met safely,” Mr Murray says.

Mr Vernon will be based in Taranaki with two inspectors. The third inspector will be based in Rotorua, focusing on the geothermal industry.