Hui seeks to address family and sexual violence in Auckland

Auckland Council

Monday 20 February 2012, 3:22PM

By Auckland Council



Auckland Council’s role in the prevention of family and sexual violence is the topic of a unique hui to be held at Orakei Marae on 2 March.

The hui marks the coming together of Auckland Council, Maori, the Ministry of Social Development and non-government organisations, to discuss the council’s role in addressing family and sexual violence in Auckland’s communities.

“This is a regionally significant hui on a critical issue facing our region”, says Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse. “Family and sexual violence severely affects us and our children. We must tackle it head on.”

“It’s essential that we feel safe in our communities and our children have the best possible start in life. Council is looking at ways it can support the Ministry of Social Development, which is the lead government agency for addressing the causes of family and sexual violence.”

“I am looking forward to hearing from the people who work in these challenging fields and having their opinions shape how we address this issue, now and into the future. We all have a part to play.”

The hui will include presentations from Whanau Tu Rangatira (a regional Maori roopu), Pacific and ethnic communities, the sexual violence prevention and support sector, as well as family violence networks.