Orion releases record of post-quake repair work

Wednesday 22 February 2012, 2:11PM

By Orion Communications



One year on from the devastating earthquake which severely damaged infrastructure and cut power to 80% of Christchurch, electricity network company Orion has released a 20 minute video clip highlighting the work that was needed to restore a stable power supply across the city.

The footage in the clip was filmed around Christchurch, including in the CBD red zone, in the days and weeks immediately after the earthquake.

To view the clip, go to

Orion's intensive post-quake work plan saw 700 electricity sector workers from around New Zealand and Australia contribute more than 200,000 people hours to earthquake recovery.

While Orion's immediate major earthquake repairs are complete, the company still has recovery work ahead of it. The network is now being thoroughly rechecked and permanent fixes designed for those parts that are running on temporary solutions.

"While in general our network should continue to respond well, we expect it will take three to five years to completely restore resilience. During this time customers may lose power occasionally, especially if we continue to experience large aftershocks. We're doing everything we can to keep the power on and support the Christchurch rebuild," says Mr Jamieson.