All Political Parties Urged to read Research on Maori Cultural Values

Maori Party

Monday 29 October 2007, 1:22PM

By Maori Party


The Maori Party has welcomed research released today by the Nielsen Company and Anthony Wilson, which has found a “sharp rise” in the significance of traditional cultural values amongst tangata whenua.

“In the midst of the hyperbole being spat out in the last 24 hours about ‘apartheid’ and ‘hymns of hate’, it is really gratifying to see that the great majority of those Maori surveyed, 89%, believe that traditional cultural values are important to them” said Dr Pita Sharples.

“We in the Maori Party have based our policies and practices upon traditional cultural values handed down from our ancestors” said Dr Sharples.

“These kaupapa Mäori, the foundation principles of the Mäori world, have universal value to all who call Aotearoa home, and so the research released today, is hugely important in confirming such principles are indeed greatly valued by tangata whenua”.

“We were interested in the finding that “media, government and business often treat us [tangata whenua] as a homogenous group” said Mrs Turia.

“We have always been of the view that the tribal diversity amongst iwi nations is to be celebrated – as is, of course, the rich cultural diversity amongst all peoples living in Aotearoa”.

“It is also great to see that six in ten Maori felt their culture provides them with strong role models, up from four in ten in 2004” said Mrs Turia.

“We at the Maori Party have consistently said, that the best solutions and pathways for our people lie in the answers they have within their own tribal context, their own experiences and histories. Today’s research confirms this to be significant for Maori”.

“We urge all political parties to examine this research closely” said Dr Sharples.