Creative & Performing Arts facility, one-of-a-kind in heart of Wellywood

Thursday 23 February 2012, 1:54PM

By Scots College


The new Creative and Performing Arts Centre at Scots College in Strathmore.
The new Creative and Performing Arts Centre at Scots College in Strathmore. Credit: Scots College

On Friday 2 March, New Zealander of the Year, Sir Richard Taylor & Lady Tania Taylor
will officially open the brand new Creative and Performing Arts Centre at Scots College in Strathmore.

The state-of-the-art building has been designed by award-winning Athfield Architects, and includes three floors of purpose-built creative teaching, rehearsal and performance spaces.

“Each classroom, studio and practice area is equipped with the latest cutting-edge interactive and sound technology. There are computer pods for graphics and robotics, seven acoustically designed and sound-proof practice rooms, a designated rehearsal studio and performance theatre, plus plans for a full-spec recording studio and facilities for film and animation production,” confirmed Headmaster Graeme Yule. “This building really is the jewel in the crown for Scots,” he said.

“It’s been a long-held dream for the College to become a leading provider of creative education. We are extraordinarily lucky to be located on the doorstep of one of the world’s most innovative centres of creativity, with Peter Jackson and his incredible crew of actors, producers and creative specialists, plus Richard Taylor and his award-winning team at Weta Workshop just down the road in Miramar,” he said. “We want to be the go-to school for boys with creative minds and their own big dreams for the future. We want to enable them to fully realise their potential.”

“This building will be utilised by our students and staff during school hours, however from the outset it has been designed as an asset for the whole community. We have plans to launch our Creative Night School to the public later this year, with local and visiting experts coming in to lead courses and give lectures on a whole myriad of subjects and specialist areas. Equally, the facilities are available for hire by individuals and community groups as well,“ confirmed Yule.

“It’s hard to even imagine what our students, and members of the community will produce in this building in future, as half of it hasn’t even been thought of yet. It has been an enormous challenge for our College community to build this facility, and has involved a massive amount of hard work, tireless fundraising and support from both individuals and groups, for which we are incredibly grateful,” said Yule.

“It’s all been worth it though. It’s exciting and hugely rewarding to know we really have created opportunities for great things to happen.”

Event Programme

Friday 2 March, 2012

11.25am: All 850 Students seated in front of the new building
11.30am: Guests & Dignitaries will be lead up the driveway to the College by a piper
11.40am: National Anthem
11.42am: Welcome – Grant Dennis, Chairman, Board of Governors
11.47am: Headmaster’s Address – Graeme Yule
11.52am: Opening Address – Sir Richard Taylor

12.02pm: Blessing of CPAC building by College Chaplain Richard Carr

12.05pm: Cutting of ribbon by Lady Tania Taylor, unveiling of plaque by Sir Richard Taylor

12.08pm: Guests to move to Hall for a short video presentation introduced by Headmaster Graeme Yule and three students, followed by mini concert MC’ed by Deputy Head Boy Taru Naug, performed on the new stage.

12.30pm: Tours of CPAC, conducted by senior pupils – guests split into small groups. Representatives in classrooms working on artworks, robotics, music etc.

1.15pm- 2.00pm: Light luncheon for guests served in Hall