Care a little more about older Kiwis, Dr Smith

Labour Party

Saturday 25 February 2012, 2:31PM

By Labour Party


Local Government Minister Nick Smith should spend less time obsessing about his own legacy, and more time on ensuring older New Zealanders get the assistance they need now to pay their rates, says Labour's spokesperson for Local Government Annette King.

“Treasury estimates around 220,000 older New Zealanders live on the pension alone,” Annette King said. “Many still live in their own homes and rates are a big chunk of their budget.

“With increases in the cost of GST, power and food, many are struggling to pay their bills.

“But National doesn’t seem concerned. It is going as far as to suggest Treasury figures are inaccurate, and that those eligible for rebates actually only number 110,000.

“That is rubbish. The Rates Rebate scheme was put in place to help ease the burden. A rebate of $580 is available to people existing on super alone still living in their home (with a few exceptions), but too few older people either know about it or are accessing it.

“While it might suit the government if fewer people pick up the rebate, efforts should be made to support our most vulnerable,” Annette King said.

“There is a simple solution. Give transparent information to all pensioners. If John Key can send a letter out to all older Kiwis during the election campaign he can afford to send out vital information about their rates rebate entitlements.

“Perhaps it's time to change who administers the scheme. If income is hard to assess, as some have claimed, then the IRD holds more information than most other ministries.

“Dr Smith should make rates relief for older New Zealanders a priority. It’s certainly more important than his daily sledging of local government or his own legacy,” Annette King said.