Green Paper submissions close this Tuesday

Monday 27 February 2012, 2:22PM

By Paula Bennett


Social Development Minister Paula Bennett is encouraging New Zealanders to make a submission to the Green Paper before the closing date this Tuesday 28 February.

“In the past when I have spoken about child abuse and neglect, people have looked at their feet in desperation to escape these uncomfortable topics,” says Ms Bennett.

“But the Green Paper has helped New Zealanders confront these issues and this was evident in the level of thought and care in ideas put forward at the 17 Green Paper meetings I fronted.”

The Green Paper for Vulnerable children is a public consultation document written to stimulate debate and agree on solutions about how New Zealand can better protect children and young people.

To date there have been over 68 Green Paper meetings held in towns and cities from Kaitaia to Invercargill.

Submissions to the Green Paper, which now exceed 5,800, will inform the writing of a White Paper and a ten year children’s action plan to be released midway through this year.

“I'm asking people to take that next step. Make your submission, talk to your family, children, friends and neighbours and encourage them to make one too,” says Ms Bennett.

“Now is the time to act,” she said.

Submissions on the Green Paper can made at