Filled jobs up annually for 20th consecutive month

Statistics New Zealand

Tuesday 28 February 2012, 2:51PM

By Statistics New Zealand


The national employment indicator shows that the number of filled jobs held by wage and salary earners continued to increase annually through November and December 2011, Statistics New Zealand said today.

“What we see is that the run of positive annual change in seasonally adjusted filled jobs has extended to 20 months, going as far back as May 2010,” industry and labour statistics manager Diane Ramsay said.

The number of seasonally adjusted filled jobs in December 2011 was up 0.7 percent compared with December 2010. In November 2011, the number of seasonally adjusted filled jobs was up 0.8 percent compared with November 2010.

On a monthly basis, seasonally adjusted filled jobs have remained flat for both November 2011 and December 2011.

November data was processed and produced later than usual due to the holiday period. Therefore, this release includes new data for both November 2011 and December 2011.

The national employment indicator is an experimental series that covers filled jobs held by people being paid a wage or salary during the month. It provides an early indication of change in the number of filled jobs at the national level. The focus should be on changes and movements between months, rather than the level of filled jobs.

The indicator complements other labour market statistics produced by Statistics NZ, including the Quarterly Employment Survey and the Household Labour Force Survey.

See also:
National Employment Indicator: November and December 2011 – Information release