Tour of Southland - Temporary crown range closure

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Tuesday 30 October 2007, 10:20AM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



 Crown Range Road users are being asked to take particular note of a short road closure scheduled for next week.

The Tour of Southland cycle race will mean the road is closed between 1-2.30pm on Thursday 8 November.

“Last year motorists experienced some frustrations, complaining of little or no warning and then finding the Nevis blasting meant the closure of the only alternate route,” Queenstown Lakes District Council roading manager Ian Marshall said.

The full council had considered the application for this year at the end of September. An arterial road could only be closed on a resolution of full council.

“The council understandably sought some assurances from race organisers that the major traffic disruption of 2006 would not be repeated,” Mr Marshall said.

Several conditions had been applied to this year’s road closure consent, including the requirement that large signs be erected one week prior to the event, a radio advertising campaign be undertaken and an agreement with Transit NZ be entered into to suspend blasting at the Nevis Bluff on that day.

“The key thing is that people note the closure and make alternate travel time arrangements,” Mr Marshall said.

The road would be closed from Gibbston Valley through to a kilometre west of the Crown Range lookout.

“This is a fantastic event that deserves our support and as long as it is managed accordingly it can hopefully mean very little disruption,” Mr Marshall said.