Govt needs to move on all the FCV recommendations

Green Party

Thursday 1 March 2012, 3:49PM

By Green Party


"The Government decision to agree to only six of the 15 recommendations of the inquiry into Foreign Charter vessels (FCVs) will not fix the multitude of problems associated with Foreign Charter vessels, Green Party fishing spokesperson Steffan Browning said today.

A ministerial inquiry has found that foreign crew working on fishing boats chartered to New Zealand companies have been mistreated and underpaid.

"The Government needs to implement all the recommendations suggested by the ministerial inquiry," said Mr Browning.

"Successive governments have ignored reports of abuse and poor pay rates of foreign crew on boats owned by New Zealand companies.

"New Zealand's overseas reputation as a country with good labour practices has been found severely wanting. Overseas media have picked up on the slave labour practices on boats working in our economic zone.

"The Green Party considers that we should look to eventually phase out FCV's and get more New Zealanders working in our fishing industry.

"Until that time overseas workers should be given all the protections of New Zealand workers including coverage under our health and safety laws.

"Environmental concerns over fish stocks and by-catch, due to FCVs in New Zealand waters, is also an area that needs urgent attention by the Government," said Mr Browning.