Ports Of Auckland actions in sacking workers disgraceful

Green Party

Wednesday 7 March 2012, 12:37PM

By Green Party



The Ports of Auckland's actions in sacking 300 staff sets a terrible precedent for all workers in New Zealand, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today.

The Ports of Auckland today announced it is making its striking workers redundant and will contract the work out.

"The Ports of Auckland's actions in dismissing staff because they are in a union and willing to stand up for decent work practices, including regular shifts and time with family, is appalling," said Dr Norman. "The Government's legislative changes in the last term have set the scene for employers such as the Ports of Auckland to clamp down hard on workers and unions.

"John Key should realise that we will never catch Australia by driving down New Zealand wages and working conditions. We will just make New Zealand workers poorer.

"The Mayor of Auckland Len Brown and the Auckland Council have sat on their hands over this dispute for too long. "It's time for Mayor Brown to take a stand in support of the workers that voted for him," Dr Norman said.