Welfare reforms go against Race Relations Commissioner's goals

Green Party

Thursday 8 March 2012, 2:09PM

By Green Party


On the same day as International Women’s Day, the Race Relations Commissioner’s report shows more work needs to be done to make New Zealand a fair and equal society, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.

The report contains priority areas for action for the coming year. Among these, the Commissioner highlights protecting children from poverty.

“The Government’s welfare reforms will make one of the priority areas for the Race Relations Commissioner more difficult to achieve,” Mrs Turei said today.

“The Government’s moves to push solo mothers with very young children into low-paid casualised work will put children at risk.

“We hope the Commissioner continues to advocate for those who are at risk and takes a strong stance on responding to the Government’s attacks on the welfare of mothers and children.”

“The Green Party believes strongly that the best way to a more equal society is maintaining a welfare system that protects our most vulnerable,” said Mrs Turei.

“New Zealand needs jobs and training for vulnerable women to create a society that works for everyone.

“A good first step would be the Government reinstating and extending the axed Training Incentive Allowance

“This would help people improve employment prospects at very little cost.

“On International Women’s Day, we urge the Government to rethink its welfare reforms and focus instead on helping vulnerable New Zealanders.”