Hastings residents are being encouraged to get to know their neighbours

Monday 12 March 2012, 9:09AM

By Hastings District Council



Neighbours Day Aotearoa is being celebrated around the country on March 24th and 25th and Hastings District Council is encouraging residents to take the first step by saying "hello" to the people who live in their street.

Deputy Mayor Cynthia Bowers says "Whether it's just a wave or an invite for a cup of tea, every little gesture is another step on the way to creating a safer and more caring community. Neighbours day is not necessarily about holding big events. A smile or a hello can make a big difference to people's lives."

"Neighbours day is a great start to building better, more connected neighbourhoods and inspiring everyone to make a serious effort to get to know their neighbours. This will have the effect of creating stronger, happier and more resilient communities. In years to come, we would like to see neighbours day celebrated by the whole community and have that neighbourly spirit carried on 365 days of the year."

The project began as 'get to know your neighbours' in 2008. That transformed into 'neighbours day Auckland' in 2009 and 'Neighbours Day Aotearoa' began as a nationwide event in 2011.

Cynthia Bowers says "Thousands of people around the country joined in the celebration last year and we are encouraging Hastings residents to take part this year. While a nice "hello" is great, we are confident that some residents will be keen to take the celebrations to the next level and organize street BBQ's or maybe a midwinter Christmas party later in the year."

Neighbours Day Aotearoa is being celebrated on Saturday and Sunday, March 24th and 25th.