NZTA reminding novice drivers of upcoming give way rule changes

Tuesday 13 March 2012, 8:03AM

By New Zealand Transport Agency


The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is urging young and novice drivers to familiarise themselves with upcoming give way rule changes before sitting their driver licensing tests.

Changes to two of New Zealand’s give way rules come into force at 5am on Sunday March 25, and the NZTA is reminding those who have tests booked after that time to study up on the give way rule changes before sitting their tests.

Computerised theory tests to gain a learner licence will be amended to reflect the rule changes, and testing officers will begin applying the new rules for restricted and full licence practical tests from 25 March.

Leaflets explaining the rule change are available from driver licensing agents and the NZTA has recently uploaded a range of new resources on the official website for changes to the give way rules -, including an interactive quiz and a new computer 'drive through' animation illustrating how the two new rules will work.

A $1.2 million nationwide advertising campaign promoting awareness of the rule changes will kick off next Thursday (March 15), ten days prior to the ‘go-live’ date, and would continue through until April 1. The campaign will include TV, radio, online and print advertising, and leaflets explaining the changes would be delivered to 1.73 million homes. The advertising will focus on highlighting the date of the change, and will provide a simple overview of the new rules.

Changing the give way rules is one of the first actions under ‘roads and roadsides’ being implemented as part of the Government’s Safer Journeys road safety strategy, aimed at significantly reducing death and injury on New Zealand’s roads by 2020.