Independent investigation needed at ACC

Green Party

Tuesday 13 March 2012, 9:08AM

By Green Party


The Green Party is calling for an independent investigation of ACC in the wake of allegations that the details of over 9000 claimants have been passed on to people who should not have received them.

"We need an independent investigation that details what privacy breaches have occurred and why they have occurred," said Green Party ACC Spokesperson Kevin Hague.

"In particular, claimants with the sensitive claims unit who have had their privacy breached unit will need support and possibly compensation depending on the nature of the breaches.

"It appears the ACC board and the Minister have known about the privacy breaches for some time but have done nothing about them.

"We need to know what the board knew, what the Minister knew, and why they have not acted. Only an independent investigation can achieve that.

"It appears there is a lax privacy culture at ACC which undermines the trust New Zealanders need to have in the scheme.

"In addition to privacy breaches, it appears ACC staff are covertly communicating with advisors to manipulate medical reports in ACC's favour.

"Such behaviour is probably unlawful, and is miles away from the premise of a no fault public scheme.

"The Government's push to cut costs at ACC is possibly a driver for the negative behaviour we are now seeing at the organisation," said Mr Hague.