NZTA thanks drivers for taking care at intersections

Tuesday 27 March 2012, 8:09AM

By New Zealand Transport Agency


The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is thanking Kiwi motorists for showing courtesy and patience at intersections during the first two days of our new give way rules.

NZTA Chief Executive Geoff Dangerfield said while it was still early days, the agency was pleased with the way drivers had responded to the changes.

“Police are telling us that by and large they are seeing a commendable display of patience, caution and courtesy on the roads – and generally speaking drivers are applying the new rules carefully. That’s exactly what we need while these changes bed in.

“The rule changes seem to be front and centre in the public mind, and we know that people are taking advantage of the on-line tools we’ve developed to help them learn the new rules. The challenge now is to make sure that we all keep it up in the weeks and months to come.”

Mr Dangerfield also reminded drivers that it was important to be on the lookout for pedestrians and cyclists at intersections while everyone gets used to the new rules.

“Drivers will naturally be focussed on what the other cars are doing at intersections while the new rules bed in, but don't forget to keep an eye out for pedestrians or cyclists who may be crossing the road - especially children getting to and from school.

“By the same token we also want to remind pedestrians to be extra cautious around intersections - make sure you're checking what all vehicles are doing before stepping out. We're also urging parents to have a word with their children to remind them that's it's extra important to be careful when crossing the road at intersections.”

Information on the two new rules and resources to help people learn them are available at This includes an interactive quiz, a computer 'drive through' animation illustrating how the two new rules will work, the TV ads, and resources in multiple languages.