Southland District Council Adopts Annual Report
At today’s (subs Wednesday October 31) extraordinary meeting Southland District adopted its Annual Report for the 2006/2007 Year.
The Annual Report is a means of accounting for the Council’s performance for the year ended 30 June 2007.
It reports on outcomes, targets and budgets.
This Annual Report is significant as it reports against the first year of Council’s audited Long-Term Community Plan (LTCCP) 2006-2016, which includes a new performanceframework and agreed levels of service.
Council Chief Executive David Adamson said that he is very proud of the Annual Report.
A great deal has been achieved in the past year including the completion of the Meridian Energy Wind Farm at White Hill, the establishment of the Milford Community Trust, the formation of a Youth Council and development of the RivertonFocal Point to name but a few.
Corporate Planner Nicole Taylor said that Council has made a start on most of the 144 projects listed in the LTCCP 2006-20016.
Group Manager Customer and Financial Services Phil Culling said that everything has gone to plan apart from the start date of some projects. Council recorded a net surplus of nearly $5.8 million for the year and assets increased in value by $50.2 million to $1.14 billion.
Mayor Frana Cardno said, “We’re all very proud to yet again get an unqualified audit report. I can only give a big thanks to our staff for the tremendous effort that has gone in for this great achievement.”
Deputy Mayor Jim Copland said that he can appreciate the complexities of the accounting work involved and admitted that Council had perhaps been a littleambitious in the number of projects undertaken in the LTCCP.
Audit Office Audit Director Julian Tan said that the transition to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IRFS) has been a huge challenge to both Audit Office and Council staff.
This has meant for a major change in accounting practices and heis very pleased that the Audit Office is ready to release an unqualified audit report.