Lobbying Disclosure bill pulled from ballot

Green Party

Thursday 5 April 2012, 2:02PM

By Green Party


A Green Party member's bill pulled today from the Parliamentary ballot will establish a publicly accessible register of lobbyists, Green Party open government spokesperson Holly Walker said.

The Lobbying Disclosure Bill would set up a register of lobbyists and a code of conduct for lobbyists, modelled on a successful Canadian public disclosure regime.

"The purpose of my member's bill is to promote greater transparency in our political system," said Ms Walker.

"We believe the public has a right to know who is engaged in lobbying activities that seek to influence public policy in New Zealand.

"New Zealand should follow other countries, such as Australia, Canada, and the United States that already have registers of lobbyists. The British Conservative Government has also recently announced their plans to regulate lobbying in the United Kingdom.

"The on-going growth of lobbyists' influence has subtly shifted the political landscape in favour of corporate interests.

"The Bill will help to ensure that any lobbying takes place in as open a way as possible," said Ms Walker.

"Real democracy should be a battle of ideas, not a battle of who has the best and most expensive lobbyists."

Ms Walker acknowledged the work of former Green MP Sue Kedgley who first introduced this bill.

"I'm honoured to take over from Sue in this important work for greater transparency. I want to thank Sue for her leadership and contribution to more open government in New Zealand."

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Lobbying Disclosure Bill