Clear heads needed for cannabis conversation

Green Party

Thursday 1 November 2007, 10:27AM

By Green Party


The Green Party looks forward to the end of anxiety-fuelled stonewalling, and the start of an objective and balanced discussion on the status of cannabis in New Zealand society, as called for by a respected authority on drug policy and research.

Associate Health Spokesperson Metiria Turei says that the New Zealand Drug Foundation, which is known for its evidence-based and non-partisan policy advice, is an ideal organisation to facilitate such a discussion.

“The drug debate in New Zealand very quickly becomes dominated by fear and anxiety. Developing a sensible approach to drug use becomes very difficult in that kind of climate. As a result New Zealand has a set of inconsistent and ineffective drug policies that are little more than a drain on public funds and judicial resources.

“The Green Party recognises that the healthiest lifestyle is drug-free, but we also recognise that some current government policies do not reduce harm but rather create a further set of problems.”

The Drug Foundation says that half of New Zealanders have used cannabis, and one in eight people use it regularly.

“Rather than these figures indicating that every second New Zealander is a drug-addled criminal, they show that current Government policies are not based on the reality of the situation and do not contribute to developing socially responsible behaviour.

“A balanced and informed national debate facilitated by the Drug Foundation will be an excellent step towards developing a constructive approach to drug use, rather than the piece-meal, fanciful and ultimately damaging official response that currently exists,” Ms Turei says.

The Green Party’s preferred method of cannabis control is to include it in a strengthened regulatory framework that also encompasses tobacco and alcohol.

“All of these substances require better regulation, with inadequate advertising standards being of particular concern for tobacco and alcohol. The Green Party considers alcohol, tobacco and cannabis to present similar challenges for New Zealand society, and we seek consistent regulation across all three.”